• Recently, the director of my department left.  He earned a promotion and moved on to an incredible job.  We were all sad to see him go, but as a team, we were excited at this new opportunity that he had been given.  After he gave his notice, he spent the bulk of his time training […]

  • To all those who faithfully manicure on schedule, please forgive my ignorance for what is likely a known fact. Yesterday,  I painfully found out what nail polish containing acetone actually does. A few weeks ago, I had the rare privilege of getting my nails done at a local salon, and I decided to do gel […]

  • My kids started school last week.  We’ve navigated the ‘back to school’ season before. We’re not experts, but we’re familiar with the change from summer break to schooling again.  However, this year was different. I was nervous all day, all week, actually.  I had butterflies in my stomach each time I dropped them off, and they […]

  • My son is fascinated with trains. Fortunately for him, there is a passenger train track in front of his school, so he gets the experience of watching it pass several times a day. It’s not enough that the train passes, though. He also closely monitors the railroad crossing sign as it slowly pulls up and […]

  • Last weekend, we were at a wedding.  My daughter started to get restless after sitting quietly for so long.  I pulled out a piece of paper and pen and began playing tic- tack- toe with her to keep her quiet and occupied. She insisted on starting first for each game. She would make the first […]

  • I became an author in second grade. In fact, I wrote a series of books… in pencil and bound by staples. The main character was a girl who was bullied, and the series, containing about 5 or 6 books, discussed the various challenges she overcame at school. I have always loved writing, and for a […]

  • I was at the Department of Public Safety (DPS) office last week….for 7 hours. Six and a half of those hours were spent waiting….and waiting… with about 500 of my closest friends. We all tightly clutched our tickets, with the same tired expression, hoping our number would pop up on the screen. Hour #1: I […]

  • A few weeks ago, I shared that we had the opportunity to travel to india earlier this summer.  It was definitely an adventure for our family. Our first few nights in India,  I had a hard time falling asleep.  I remember laying in bed one night,  listening to the hum of the AC unit, trying like mad […]

  • My son is a car aficionado. At age 4, he was able to tell the difference between the Tesla Model X and Model S. They were just random letters to me. While matchbox cars look like colorful generic mini toys in my eyes, he recognizes the fine details and reveals what kind of vehicle they […]

  • This past month, I had the opportunity to vacation/survive in India.  It was our first time going as a family of four.  My husband and I went 15 years ago, a few months after we were married, to meet the extended family.  This time, we were going with our kids, and planned several stops within […]