• I’ve been known to pray unusual (and even comical) prayers. Like the time when our dryer stopped working. My husband and I were just a few years into marriage and we were on a budget…So I did the only sensible thing I knew to do. I placed my hands on the dryer and prayed. (It

  • I was 7 months pregnant, sitting on the sofa in my family room and I couldn’t believe my eyes. Two planes just crashed into the World Trade Center…on purpose. ‘My baby will be here in 2 months,’ I thought to myself. ‘What kind of evil world is he about to enter into? Will he even

  • I took out a few photo albums from our storage closet and lined them up against the wall…in chronological order.  It was my weird way of getting my thoughts organized and step one in preparing a little video montage for my graduating high school senior. As I sifted through each album (eighteen to be exact),

  • I stood in front of my computer at work and thanked God for what I saw. Who would have thought the sight of a few packs of toilet paper on aisle 10 would make my heart so happy? Like many of you, I have a new perspective on so many things now…including God’s provision throughout

  • I have worked at a grocery store for twenty five years…and just when I thought I had seen it all- last week happened! It was like a scene from a movie, a social experiment and a crazy dream- all in one. Chances are, you saw it too. Empty meat, milk and toilet paper aisles. Even

  • I have been encouraged by many of the posts I’ve been seeing on social media…and like many of you, my family is also trying to make the most out of this somewhat forced Sabbatical season we are in. Earlier this week I cleaned out my fridge and made an apple cobbler with a few apples

  • On a scale of 1 to 10, my athletic ability is probably a negative 5. (Yeah, I’m that bad) Needless to say, any childhood dream of becoming a cheerleader, gymnast or ice skater came to an end before it even began. BUT for the past 12 years, I have lived the life of an athlete…

  • It usually happens about once every six months. This time it happened twice in one week. I got a text, I read an email, someone said something (or didn’t say something)…and like an unexpected kick in the gut, I immediately felt disqualified and unworthy. “What am I even doing here? I am so unqualified!” I

  • It was 11pm, my husband was out of town and my home security alarm began to sound. It wasn’t the random chirp of a low battery, it was the steady beep you hear just before the heart racing sound of a full blown siren. I quickly jumped out of bed and silenced the alarm. “Did

  • Attending a basketball game may not seem very spiritual…but it can be. Last week, our church’s youth director (we call him, Pastor Luis) came out to my boys’ high school basketball game.  He didn’t pray at the end or even share a quick ‘Thought for the day.’ He came, did the cool hand shake thing