• At times, life can seem sour like a lemon. Am I right? Maybe you are in college, like my daughter, and thanks to the pandemic, most classes are meeting online and there is diminished face to face interactions. It’s depressing. Perhaps you’re planning your wedding day and you realize you can’t invite the number of

  • Can I be real with you?  Today has not gone as planned … at all. We had a delayed start in our day and missed our morning devotion together. Then, we received news we didn’t care to hear. There were sour faces, foul attitudes, and hard conversations to navigate through … all before noon! Honestly,

  • There have been a few weeks of matters weighing quite heavily on my mind and my heart. In the midst of looking to the Lord for help and for answers, I will be honest with you to share that I struggled with feeling so discouraged that I just felt … forsaken. Then, I received a

  • Can I just be real with you Friend? The past few weeks have been really hard on this Mama’s heart.  There were just some days and some choices which left me overwhelmed. I felt discouraged and all alone as if no one could possibly understand or relate. Then, the Lord ever so gently reminds me

  • I was sitting at my husband’s desk, very pregnant with our first child, when the results of my exam glared at me from his computer. “Fail” I had taken a major exam that was critical for my career, and we had been waiting weeks for this moment.  A “pass” meant I could move forward.  A

  • For years my husband was involved with praise and worship and I was engaged in teaching young children from God’s Word. Each of us loved serving the Lord in these areas. But eventually, we felt that the Lord was transitioning us to something new. So, we obeyed and decided that together we would serve married

  • Dear Friend, As I prayed for you, I sensed that you may be walking through an overwhelming situation today. You thought your life was okay and you were doing everything right until … suddenly. Now, you feel discouraged because your life isn’t the same. You are frightened because you don’t know the duration or the

  • Have you ever prayed about a heart’s desire which no one around you seemed to fully understand? When I was pregnant with my oldest daughter, I felt a prompt from the Holy Spirit to leave my career and become a stay at home mom. I was surrounded by people who I believe meant well, but

  • My husband and I have the privilege of celebrating our 18th anniversary today.  As I reflect on the beginning of our journey together, I’m reminded of the moments of fun and laughter we have shared.  Oh, how special those memories are to me. But such moments seemed to vanish into thin air when we entered

  • Last night I was watching a movie with my kiddos. It was our third time, but I didn’t mind because I enjoyed it and it also left me with some thoughts to ponder. The main character had a dream job she longed to fulfill. She enthusiastically set out with high hopes to achieve it. However, as