• Although it was a while ago, I can still recall the excitement that was building up for senior year between photos, prom, the class trip, and graduation. I think we can all agree that those momentous occasions were the culmination of all the years spent in school between studying, writing papers, and takings loads of

  • One of the birthday traditions we have in our family is sharing what we love about the celebrant. It’s truly a special time for the birthday boy/girl who feels encouraged as they realize the impact that their life has on each of us. In his book Raising Giant-Killers, Bill Johnson refers to this as a

  • What is your motivation when you decide to do a good thing? For most people, the answer is simply because it’s the right thing to do, not for the accolades or extra attention. In Esther 6,  we read that when Mordecai discovered that two of King Xerxes’ officers had planned to kill the king, he

  • I love Indian food. That probably doesn’t surprise you because, after all, I am Indian.  Maybe this will surprise you: my ability to cook Indian food is…let’s say…limited.   I can make one thing that is truly the food of my people – chicken curry – and the only reason I can do that is because

  • My husband and I had the privilege of celebrating our 17th Anniversary yesterday.  While glancing at old pictures and strolling down memory lane, my mind focused on some specific moments: “I know we’re accustomed to living in the Northeast on two incomes, but I could be a stay at home mom if we move to