When I was young, I didn’t think too much about what I would look like when I was 52. But here I is. ;-) However, I sure did have visions of what my life would be like. I was going to work as a pediatrician, marry a handsome man, have 2.5 kids and no dog
The enemy has a pattern of attack but God has a plan that will prevail. Click on the pic to access the video. ~Anu
Call it a midlife crisis, but the past few months have been different for me. Not bad different. Just different different. I celebrated a birthday….and so did my son. He turned seventeen! I can’t think of a more fun and exciting season of life. And earlier this year, that same son got his driver’s license.
Years ago, if someone asked me where I was from, I would just say “Dallas” but then I’d always get the follow-up question…“No. Where are you REALLY from?” So, to avoid that conversation, I now give everyone who asks a brief but all-encompassing bio…“I am Indian but I was born in the United States.” On
Last night, I watched my husband and his father scroll through pictures from the past year. Pictures of a totaled car, pictures of dad and mom surrounded by tubes, connected to a ventilator, and then there was this picture. A picture of us praying. It was the first picture of hope. This picture was taken
I had a pretty simple plan today. Work. Come home. Make coffee. Drink coffee. Write my weekly post. All was going according to schedule until I was about 5 minutes away from home. That’s when the tire light came on in my car. Oh great. Seriously??? I had been up since 3 a.m.. Taking care of
One of my favorite things to do while I was pregnant with my first child was settle in and read about how she was developing inside me. The book would describe my baby week by week, and would even use tangible, descriptive words to give me a better idea of how big she was: Week 12:
I don’t know what the teen years were like for you, but mine were not memorable. I was quite insecure and completely disliked being a teenager. Needless to say, telling others about God or thoughts about God’s plan for my life were not anywhere in the forefront of my mind. In fact, I always thought
An Indian girl walks into a Chick-Fil-A… (Isn’t this how all great stories start out?) In case you didn’t figure it out already, I am that Indian girl and I was at Chick-Fil-A this past weekend…on a Saturday of course, because we all know they are closed on Sunday (which is cool but not cool when
Have you ever looked at someone else and wished you could live like they did? Like, maybe a celebrity or someone you personally know? They seem to dress right, know the right people, and are popular. At work today, a colleague mentioned how she wanted to be best friends with a particular celebrity couple…just for
Carriers of His Presence
Now that the wrapping paper has been picked up and the dishes have all been washed, I have had a moment to pause and reflect on the memories created this Christmas season. Our families are