• The last few Saturdays, I have been getting up and going for a run.  This is a huge accomplishment for me. We were finally in a season where we have no commitments on Saturday mornings, and the weather has finally cooled down. I have been able to get up, get the kids settled and just

  • While on vacation, we’ve been seeing lots of people, some getting reacquainted with and some meeting for the first time. For most, this is a fun experience. Imagine our reaction when our son sat us down a few nights ago to share the following with us. He said all he sees are people who can

  • Amazing super powers. Beating the bad guy. Cool costume. These are some responses one may hear when asking a child to describe their hero. Christopher Reeve, who is known best for his portrayal of Superman, said, “I think a hero is an ordinary individual who finds strength to persevere and endure in spite of overwhelming