After the birth of each of my children, I was physically exhausted and sleep-deprived. I had just enough energy for feedings, diaper changes, and washing bottles. I still recall how my sister would use every free opportunity she had to spend time with my babies during those instances. From infancy through toddlerhood, my sister could
When I began driving, I always had a printout of directions from MapQuest handy. (Anyone else out there mature enough to remember the days before GPS?) Since then, it has become a habit to spend several minutes carefully reviewing the directions to my destination. I just always want to know the steps involved to arrive
A few weeks ago, I joined some friends for a painting event led by an instructor. Maybe I should preface this by sharing how I ventured out to a similar event a few years ago … except everyone painted whatever they wanted … without any steps or instructions. And I floundered … miserably. You see,
Fun fact about me: I LOVE Christmas! Seriously, I think Buddy the Elf and I have some major competition when it comes to Christmas cheer. Every year, a month prior to Christmas, a complete spreadsheet comes together. There are lists for Christmas cards, gifts, movies, parties, and of course, planning our annual Christmas breakfast. This
Lately, there have been fewer employees at the stores I shop at. And what a time for it to be happening in the midst of the hustle and bustle of the holiday season! In fact, while I was at my neighborhood grocery store last week, I noticed how none of the regular lanes were open.
While attending a wedding recently, a friend and I were chatting. Not only had we realized that it had been quite a while since we conversed, but it seemed that was the case with many of our friends who were also at the wedding. What had happened? Oh right … 2020 … ‘nuff said, right?
After spending my entire life gathered around the Thanksgiving table with family in New York – immediate and extended, it was surreal the first time it was just my family of five in Texas. Don’t get me wrong. We made it special as we set the table and cooked every side dish imaginable. We began
I don’t know about you, but I cannot believe Thanksgiving is this week. Where did this year go?? While many are planning menus, shopping at the grocery store, and arranging travels, the fact remains that the holiday season is filled with mixed emotions. For some, this is a reminder of loss. Maybe you lost a
As a young child, our family Thanksgiving meal consisted of Indian food. We had asked our parents if we could eat turkey like all of our friends at school. So when turkey and the sides were added to the menu, we couldn’t be happier. Being that it was new to us, side dishes such as
Would you ever sign up for a job if you knew you would be met with resistance and may not even be listened to? I know I wouldn’t, yet parenthood seems to fit that description on SOME days lol. I recall when my children were toddlers and I told them to put their toys away.
Healthy Habits To Start Today
Summer is winding down and fall is in the air. That means we just have a few more months of 2024! If you’re like me, you’re wondering how has this year has gone by so