• I think we can all agree that we are faced with a situation that seems impossible every now and then. But nothing is too hard for our God.  During the exodus, the Israelites fled slavery and bondage from Egypt only to face the Red Sea. Millions of people stood with nowhere to go.  But God.

  • This past Saturday during our Bible study of 1 Samuel*, we were asked to share how God has delivered on a promise that He has given us. Immediately, I thought of the promise from Deuteronomy 31:6 in which God says He will never leave us nor forsake us. If I were to even begin to

  • These past few months have been a whirlwind of activity in our parts, but all good things. In addition to attending two wedding celebrations in our family, we traveled for three trips. We relaxed, visited great sights, had good eats, and spent quality time with many loved ones. Overall, it just seems like we have

  • Balance. I don’t know about you but the image that immediately comes to mind is a person standing perfectly still while juggling plates on their hands and feet. In a culture inundated with success being equivalent to doing it all, it’s easy to feel frustrated when we discover that it’s a challenge to do LOTS

  • When I reflect on the challenges I have faced in life, I can’t help but think how grateful I am that the Lord is always with us. Just recently, there were unexpected circumstances which had to be dealt with immediately. I found myself being thrust into the position of managing a huge project. I did

  • I think we can all agree that social media has its benefits. I mean, it allows us to stay connected with family and friends in ways we could have never imagined. At the same time, it also exposes us to photos and posts of the latest and greatest in others’ lives. How amazing to learn

  • Have you ever had a week or two where you feel like you’re just always on the go without a moment to think straight? The past few weeks have felt like that for me that I was certain my head spinning on more than one occasion lol. In the midst of such, the Bible has

  • Fun fact about me: I drive a mini-van. If it were up to my husband, I’d be driving an SUV. But I just love the ease and space that comes with a mini-van. What I have found interesting though is how the vehicles in my vicinity react when they see my mode of transportation on

  • As International Women’s Day is commemorated today, it only seems fitting to celebrate the women of Whispers & Fringes.  Without a doubt, we are grateful for our founder Anu and the vision she has to empower women on a quest for more of God in their lives. Her obedience to the Lord has continually propelled

  • “Time … to … make …. the … donuts …” Remember that famous line aired on commercials for Dunkin Donuts? The iconic employee could be seen slowly getting out of bed early in the morning to make the donuts that America loves.  “Oh whistle while you work …” Maybe you’re familiar with that catchy tune