• We had an inconvenience today…one that required my husband to serve as the family chauffeur. A few weeks ago, while reversing my car into the garage, it scraped against an old bicycle we had laying against the wall. Unbeknownst to me, a part of the car paneling was being pulled apart as I scraped against […]

  • Oh, the woes of autocorrect! My cousin and I were finalizing plans to meet up. My phone ding’d. I had just texted him so I was expecting his response…but I surely wasn’t expecting THIS response. What in the world? I read it again. And then again. The sentence made sense…I guess. But was that four […]

  • My younger son does a lot of things well, but if there’s one thing he does extremely well, it’s his ability to ask… and keep on asking. Since he was young, persistence has been his strength. And he knows just who to ask. His daddy. “Daddy, can we go get donuts?” “Daddy, can you play […]

  •  She had 2.5 years of time alone with Daddy and Mommy. Toys, bed, kitchen, living room…it all belonged to my daughter. Until one day, her brother came along, and in what seemed like moments, the spotlight was gone. A few years later, another brother entered the picture and took over her space, monopolizing everything, and […]

  • So, you say you can’t dance? Me neither. And trust me, I’ve tried. As a kid, I attended a small Indian church. Once a month, our church hosted a “youth meeting.” A Saturday night service in which our talents (or lack of) were on display. There wasn’t a lot of dancing going on back then…but […]

  • My son is fascinated with trains. Fortunately for him, there is a passenger train track in front of his school, so he gets the experience of watching it pass several times a day. It’s not enough that the train passes, though. He also closely monitors the railroad crossing sign as it slowly pulls up and […]

  • I got to spend some time with this little guy this weekend…and I loved it! Hanging out with our nephew takes me back. Back to when my boys were that age. Reading with them, teaching them simple truths through simple songs…such sweet memories. But just to keep it real, some of those memories weren’t so […]

  • I was at the Department of Public Safety (DPS) office last week….for 7 hours. Six and a half of those hours were spent waiting….and waiting… with about 500 of my closest friends. We all tightly clutched our tickets, with the same tired expression, hoping our number would pop up on the screen. Hour #1: I […]

  • A few weeks before graduating from medical school, I remember being in the elevator with 2 of my closest friends. I admitted to them that I really didn’t want to leave school…I wanted to remain in the safety of the four walls and just learn stuff. They thought I was crazy. While my friends were […]

  • Last night, as I pulled into my subdivision after work, I noticed a couple of guys attempting to change a flat tire. I walked inside my house and sat down. My husband asked me about my day and then proceeded to ask if I had seen a couple of kids on our street trying to […]