• Here’s something you probably haven’t thought of in a really long time: Diagramming sentences*. When you diagram a sentence, you look at the function of each word. Subjects, verbs, and adjectives are usually involved but sometimes you also have a direct object and indirect object. If you are now having flashbacks of middle school English

  • I am not a parent but I am pretty sure I wouldn’t be a very good one. And that has nothing to do with the fact that I gave my nephews extra dessert or that they stayed up until 2 a.m. when they were at my house. (At this point, you are probably agreeing with

  • Have you ever wanted to curl up into a little ball and cry or crawl into bed under the covers because you felt so disappointed and frustrated that things didn’t go your way?  But, of course, you’re an adult and you opt to take the mature route and hold your feelings in…except for the fact

  • I consider myself a fan of NBA basketball. But I have to admit, I only start watching basketball when the playoffs begin – and that only if the Dallas Mavericks make it into the playoffs. I do however really enjoy watching the NBA finals….even if the Mavericks aren’t playing :-). Recently everyone’s been talking about

  • I love to glean from the wisdom of the aged. So today, while visiting my parents, I asked my 92 year old grandmother (I call her Ammachi), if she had a word of encouragement for our Whispers & Fringes Readers. She requested her Bible, and with the help of my translator (and husband), she shared