• Today is #girldad day in honor of Kobe Bryant and his daughter, Gianna. It has been sweet to see all the pictures of dads with their girls. My sister and I are blessed with a great dad. He taught us to read the Bible and pray everyday. He worked hard and instilled in us the

  • I love this video.  Obviously, there’s the cuteness factor.  I mean…seriously. Grant (the little guy) is convinced that he is actually pushing Caleb (the bigger guy) around.  Grant even seems to be exerting himself..and ends it off with giving himself a round of applause. All the while, it was Caleb who was really doing the

  • Years ago, I was preparing for a work meeting that I was leading. I was new to being a supervisor so I was especially nervous. There were some policy changes I needed to address with our team.   I remember praying and asking God to give me the words to say.  I also asked that

  • Moms (and the Bible) know best. I don’t know if this woman in the video is a believer or not but what she shares has some scriptural backing to it. She challenges her kids to follow up any negative statements with a “Yeah, but…” and find the positive in it. My dad has had a

  • There is a lot about the Israelites journey through the wilderness that sounds difficult but knowing which way to go wasn’t one of them. A cloud by day…a pillar of fire by night.  I wouldn’t mind that for my life too. When I was in my mid 20’s, I remember being confused about some major

  • Sometimes I wonder if the details of my life matter to God.  I mean with billions of people in the universe, why would the details of my life matter before God? But when I read through the book of Leviticus in the Bible, I realized how much God is in the details. You see the

  • As much as I love living in Dallas, we are definitely not known for our scenic landscape.  But this particular night, as I worked late into the evening, I stared outside a little bit longer than usual. Behind the usual view of parking garages and office buildings, I saw the most beautiful colors light up

  • Our first Thanksgiving in Texas was quite memorable, but not because of a festive dinner. We were in the emergency room with our infant son and eventually learned that he had suffered from a stroke. In the months to follow, we saw its impact on his little body. The left side had been affected entirely.

  • “Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so…”   This is not just a cute Sunday school song.  In fact, I’ll probably never listen to that song again without understanding the impact of what it really means. You see, for the first time in my life, I’m reading through the entire

  • A few of my favorite things include a great book to curl up with, a cozy blanket, a warm cup of coffee and CHOCOLATE :) You can only imagine how excited I was when our family embarked on the Hershey’s Chocolate Tour while on vacation a few weeks ago. Imagine our surprise when we learned