• It all happened so fast. I blinked and somehow I went from carrying a very heavy car seat to staring at a stack of college introductory letters. My husband said it best, “When I saw those letters on the table, it just hit me. One day they’ll be gone.”  Moses was just a baby when […]

  • A few days ago as I passed by my kids’ playroom, I was amazed at how chaotic and disorganized it appeared.  Puzzle pieces, cars, balls, and paper littered the floor…it was past time for a major clean-up.  Every toy needed to be in its proper home, and I could have easily had that room tidied […]

  • I’m a Texas girl.  Born & raised.  I’ve lived in the Dallas area since I was 2 years old and I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.  I love my city…I know my city…well, at least I thought I did. Recently,  I’ve ventured out to a few different parts of town where I hadn’t been before. […]

  • ‘Tis the season for love. Valentine’s Day will be here soon. The day of the year filled with chocolates, flowers, cards.  I have spent a few days reflecting on love- not necessarily in preparation for Valentine’s Day- more so as a way to sharpen myself. God’s love towards Adam.  When God came to commune with Adam […]