• I was preparing for a formal function and finally decided on a hairstyle that I wanted to try out for the event.  The picture of the up-do was carefully selected on my phone so that I could easily show the stylist at the salon.  The celebrity looked gorgeous with each strand of hair beautifully pinned in

  • I am not a parent but I am pretty sure I wouldn’t be a very good one. And that has nothing to do with the fact that I gave my nephews extra dessert or that they stayed up until 2 a.m. when they were at my house. (At this point, you are probably agreeing with

  • Have you ever wanted to curl up into a little ball and cry or crawl into bed under the covers because you felt so disappointed and frustrated that things didn’t go your way?  But, of course, you’re an adult and you opt to take the mature route and hold your feelings in…except for the fact

  • Sometimes life doesn’t turn out how we thought it would. When I was young, I played house like any other girl. I wasn’t thinking too much about the husband part but of course, there were always baby dolls involved. Thankfully, I eventually did start thinking about a husband and God provided (and He provided a

  • A few years ago, I was shocked to discover that I had failed a major exam that I had spent months studying for. As I sat in front of the computer that displayed my result, I felt absolutely devastated. I knew I needed to retake it and didn’t know how I could study for it