We had just finished a delicious Thai dinner. The conversation was fun and meaningful. Our team doesn’t get to meet in person often because trying to coordinate six women’s schedules can be challenging (obviously – only 5 could join this time but we decided to go for it!) Before we could even start thinking about
My word for the year 2022 was contend. And contend I did. I am thankful that I was hearing God enough at the beginning of the year to know what was coming, because there were definitely times during the year that I did not hear His voice at all. I will spare you the gritty
It’s that time of year again. Time to be grateful…and time to make a gratitude list. Believe it or not, for the first half of my life, making a gratitude list wasn’t so easy. It didn’t matter how many blessings I had, all I could focus on is was what I did NOT have. It
For years, I had a friend tell me “Look, just because you’re skinny, doesn’t mean you’re healthy.” And you know what? My friend was right. I barely exercised and my diet needed some major tweaking. I could fool a lot of people, but I couldn’t fool my friend. This friend knew me well, knew my
Recently when I was walking back to my desk at work, I noticed something that I had not seen in a while. The office was full of people and buzzing with activity. While that may not seem significant, I was immediately taken back to the Spring of 2020. The company I work for had just
We were celebrating my husband’s parents 50th wedding anniversary, when my oldest son asked the million dollar question. “So, over the past 50 years, what has been your favorite season of life?” Without hesitation, mom answered, “Right now!” Really? I was expecting to hear, “When the kids were small” or “When those adorable little grandkids
When we had some down time a few weeks ago, we watched a Mr Bean movie with the kids. For those of you that might be unfamiliar with Mr Bean, he is a British actor that stars in slapstick comedy movies. He doesn’t speak very much during the movie- he mainly grunts and verbalizes a
When I said “I do” 23 years ago to my husband, I literally expected to live happily ever after. In fact, the intro of our wedding video features clips from an animated fairy tale. I know, I was young and naive. The truth is, it didn’t take long to realize that there are challenges to
The more I live life, the more I see that life is not easy. My own life has been far from perfect. I would never have imagined myself where I am today – both the good and the not so good. But I realize that so many have a similar story. While theirs may not
Some of you that follow our personal pages know that my family has been dealing with the death of our dog. He was 13 years old, and he was our first child. We had him before the arrival of both of our children, so they do not know a life without him. It’s been an
A Team Huddle
The photo you see wasn’t planned or staged. In fact, my husband’s parents didn’t realize I was even taking a picture. They were staying with us the week of Thanksgiving, and when I walked out