• My son has a few food allergies that make it difficult for him to eat at any Asian restaurants.  So I’ve started trying to make some Asian dishes at home so that I can modify it to accommodate his allergies and I can sneak in vegetables that my kids find tasty enough to eat.  One

  • Recently I’ve been challenged with my time.  Time is said to be more valuable than money.  You can always make more money, but you can never add more hours to your life.  Most of the time, I am looking for a large stretch of time in which I think I need to tackle a big

  • I still remember where I was on this day 22 years ago.  I had just got to work in Dallas and started working like it was just another day.  My supervisor had a small TV in his office and it was tuned into the news.  And as the news started to spread, we all gathered

  • I was recently listening to a secular therapist talking about some things she had learned after years of therapy with people.  She said that all of us have a story that we tell ourselves and others.  And that story becomes the narrative by which our life is shaped. The story can be something like…I’m not

  • Pastor Ryan Leak gave a convicting message at our church yesterday His text was from Acts chapter 10 and he was comparing and contrasting the Roman Centurion Cornelius and Peter. God asked Peter to meet with Cornelius, a God fearing Gentile, to share the gospel to his household and to fellowship with Gentiles.  Peter, a

  • Life can be undeniably difficult at times. No matter how good things are right now, inevitably hard times will come. This should be no surprise to us because Jesus told us this.   “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble…”(John 16:33a)

  • Influence is a word we hear a lot these days. In fact, most people probably equate an influencer as someone on social media who has the ability to persuade others to spend money for certain products or maybe to persuade someone politically or socially. According to today’s standards, the more followers you have online, the

  • Growing up I memorized A LOT of scripture.  I can remember attending a private Christian school for the first few years of my elementary education and beginning in Pre-K we were required to memorize scripture as part of our weekly assignments.  And after that I memorized even more scriptures as part of my church’s annual

  • When I was in college in the mid to late 90s my faith really became my own.  Before that, it was the faith of my parents and my upbringing in church that I would say was the main reason I was a Christian.  But during those years when I was away from home and on

  • We live in an increasingly individualistic society.  Being “self-made” is applauded and celebrated.  Transparency, vulnerability, and honesty have been replaced by perfectly curated and filtered lives that we post on social media – that portrays a life that is often not what it seems.  One where we have what we need and we are good