Something unexpected happened two weeks ago. We were hovering and praying in our pantry with the weather reports playing in the background. The blankets and pillows kept us comfortable as we kept a close eye on the weatherman’s radar. The formation of a tornado seemed to be inching closer to us, but by God’s grace
Date night for my husband and me is a special evening which we treasure. Whether we go out for dinner or watch a movie, it allows us to connect as we meaningfully share this carved out time together. To be candid, I enjoy dressing up for these occasions. But I found myself sporting a t-shirt
A few days ago, I went to bed preoccupied. My mind was focused on an issue that I thought had been resolved. Yet, there it was rearing its head … again. My insides began churning as I felt overwhelmed with frustration and anxiety. I found myself having great difficulty falling asleep. After just a few
I don’t know about you, but I do not have answers for the challenges that come my way. In fact, such circumstances leave me feeling sad and confused. Sure, talking about it to a friend helps. Reading a practical book is insightful. But the problem is still there and so is the unrest in my
This month I have been recounting blessings that God has helped me to see when the season of layoff did not appear to be one we would be thankful for. When we were growing up, parents did not have conversations with children about the challenges they were facing. After all, a parent just wants to
Recently I was overcome with fear and anxiety about a very difficult situation in my life. What I had hoped and planned for was suddenly in question. My stomach was in knots and I barely slept. I woke up the next morning still feeling the heaviness of the uncertainty of what was going to happen.
This month I have been sharing with you what God revealed to me from the beautiful sights we were mesmerized by on our vacation. However, the photo in this post does not show anything majestic or breathtaking. Yet, I learned something from this scary screw. We had just driven one and a half days to
When I was in my late teens, I was excited to watch a movie with my friends. The only thing is that it turned out to be a psychological thriller. Let’s just say that there was nothing thrilling about it for me. In fact, I was so scared that I could not sleep well for
Has jealousy ever driven you to say and do things that you are not proud of? When I was a young girl, my best friend and I had a lot in common. We were the same age, we loved to talk, and we had a favorite older friend. This friend was the one we looked
I remember when my children were infants, there were moments they seemed inconsolable. Whether they were in physical pain or something had upset them, the tears flowed incessantly and their cries were excruciatingly loud. Such moments were heart breaking. That is, until their Daddy said their name, gently stroked their head or cradled them in
As I am reflecting on this Thanksgiving holiday, I decided to take a trip down memory lane to remind myself of the things I am grateful for in 2024. As each year brings its challenges